I'm really having trouble getting a clear answer, everyone says something differentl. I really want the Milky Planet JSK, and I think it looks really cute in yellow. However I do have blond hair and pale skin. Would it look very cute or weird?? And if so what other color would be better? http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/angelic-pretty/jsk/110/ Thanks,
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Hello all, I'm currently having a bit of trouble with a Taobao order and I'm not normally the type of person that likes to make a fuss but I'm really not sure what to do and would like some advice
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Hello everyone! I recently received Dream of Lolita's Vampire Requiem replica! I've posted a review of the long JSK on my blog. I know that some people were curious about the quality of the dress so if you have any questions, feel free to leave comment! http://liminalprincess.blogspot.com/2011/09/vampire-requiem-replica-review.html